BTOT3301 - Biblical Theology of the Old Testament (1) - Dr. Paul Henebury
BTOT3301 - Biblical Theology of the Old Testament (1) The first of three courses of Biblical Theology which explain the purpose and plan of the whole Bible. Particular attention is given to the God's purposes in creation and the biblical covenants. This course covers the Pentateuch.
Module 1 The Creation Project
This forms the introductory and foundational sections
Unit 1 BTOT3301 - Syllabus
Unit 2 BTOT3301 - Lecture 1: The Creation Project (1)
Unit 3 BTOT3301 - Lecture 2: The Creation Project (2)
Unit 4 BTOT3301 - Dispensationalism or Biblical Covenantalism? (1)
Unit 5 BTOT3301 - Dispensationalism or Biblical Covenantalism? (2)
Unit 6 BTOT3301 - Lecture 3: The First Week (1)
Unit 7 BTOT3301 - Lecture 4: The First Week (2)
Unit 8 BTOT3301 - Lecture 5: Man in Eden
Unit 9 BTOT3301 - Lecture 6: The Fall of Man and the Entrance of Death
Unit 10 BTOT3301 - Lecture 7: Questions Arising From the Expulsion and Beyond
Module 2 Covenant and the Interpretation of Scripture
We move from the pre-flood world into the post-flood world: the world of covenants.
Unit 1 BTOT3301 - Lecture 8: From the "Sons of God" to Noah
Unit 2 BTOT3301 - Lecture 9: The Noahic Covenant and the Framing of History
Unit 3 BTOT3301 - Lecture 10: The Noahic Covenant and Biblical Interpretation (1)
Unit 4 BTOT3301 - Lecture 11: The Noahic Covenant and Biblical Interpretation (2)
Unit 5 BTOT3301 - Lecture 12: The Lesson of Babel
Unit 6 BTOT3301 - Lecture 13:Covenants and Promises
Module 3 Abraham to Moses
This module takes us to the close of the Pentateuch
Unit 1 BTOT3301 - Lecture 14: The Devaluation of the OT (1)
Unit 2 BTOT3301 - Lecture 15: The Devaluation of the OT (2)
Unit 3 BTOT3301 - Lecture 16: The Abrahamic Covenant (1)
Unit 4 BTOT3301 - Lecture 17: The Abrahamic Covenant (2)
Unit 5 BTOT3301 - Lecture 18: The Seed of Abraham
Unit 6 BTOT3301 - Lecture 19: The Promised Seed in the Pentateuchal Poems
Unit 7 BTOT3301 - Lecture 20: God Gives The Law
Unit 8 BTOT3301 - Lecture 21: The Function of the Mosaic Covenant in God's Program
Unit 9 BTOT3301 - Lecture 22: Implications of Deuteronomy 4
Unit 10 BTOT3301 - Lecture 23: Predictions of Dispersion and Final Restoration
Module 4 Revised Syllabus
This is an update for 2021
There are no units in this module.
BTOT4301 - Biblical Theology of the Old Testament (2) - Dr. Paul Henebury
A continuation of the previous course, this time focusing in on the Prophetic Books. The character of each biblical covenant and its relation to the new covenant is analyzed.
Module 1 The Historical Backdrop
This module examines the history of Israel from Joshua to 2 Chronicles, paying special attention to the role of covenant.
Unit 1 BTOT3301 - Course Syllabus
Unit 2 BTOT4301 - Lecture 1: Joshua and Covenant Faith
Unit 3 BTOT4301 - Lecture 2: The Downward Spiral (1)
Unit 4 BTOT4301 - Lecture 3: The Downward Spiral (2)
Unit 5 BTOT4301 - Lecture 4: The Age of Samuel
Unit 6 BTOT4301 - Lecture 5: From David to the Close of the Era
Unit 7 BTOT4301 - Lecture 6: The Throne of David
Module 2 The Importance of the Covenants
You cannot grasp the Story of Scripture if you ignore the covenants in Scripture
Unit 1 BTOT4301 - Lecture 7: Covenant in the Psalms and Elijah
Unit 2 BTOT4301 - Lecture 8: The Mosaic Covenant in the Prophets (1)
Unit 3 BTOT4301 - Lecture 9: The Mosaic Covenant in the Prophets (2)
Unit 4 BTOT4301 - Lecture 10: The Priestly Covenant
Unit 5 BTOT4301 - Lecture 11: The Davidic Covenant
Unit 6 BTOT4301 - Lecture 12: The Abrahamic Covenant in the Prophets
Module 3 Understanding the New Covenant
The New Covenant in Christ brings together the other covenants in their literal fulfillment
Unit 1 BTOT4301 - Lecture 13: The New Covenant in Isaiah
Unit 2 BTOT4301 - Lecture 14: The New Covenant in Jeremiah (1)
Unit 3 BTOT4301 - Lecture 15: The New Covenant in Jeremiah (2)
Unit 4 BTOT4301 - Lecture 16: The New Covenant in Ezekiel
Unit 5 BTOT4301 - Lecture 17: Ezekiel's Temple Vision
Unit 6 BTOT4301 - Lecture 18: The Covenants in the Minor Prophets
Unit 7 BTOT4301 - Lecture 19: Daniel and the Future Kingdom
Unit 8 BTOT4301 - Lecture 20: A Summary of Daniel's Seventy "Weeks"
Module 4 Messianic Prophecy
These lectures focus on the role of Messiah. We end with a look at spiritualizing.
Unit 1 BTOT4301 - Lecture 21: The Remnant
Unit 2 BTOT4301 -Lecture 22: Israel and the Nations
Unit 3 BTOT4301 - Lecture 23: The Branch
Unit 4 BTOT4301 - Lecture 24: The Suffering Servant
Unit 5 BTOT4301 - Lecture 25: Non-Literal Interpretations of O.T. Prophetic Texts (1)
Unit 6 BTOT4301 - Lecture 26: Non-Literal Interpretations of O.T. Prophetic Texts (2)
Unit 7 BTOT4301 - Lecture 27: Non-Literal Interpretations of O.T. Prophetic Texts (3)
BTNT5301 - Biblical Theology of the New Testament - Dr Paul Henebury
This is the third part of our Biblical Theology courses covering the whole Bible. In this course questions about the use of the OT in the NT are discussed in process of a continuation of the discussion of the role of the biblical covenants in the last course.
Module 1 Covenant Expectation in the Gospels and Acts
These lectures attempt to prove that the early believers expected the OT to be fulfilled "literally" and everything encouraged them to do so
Unit 1 BTNT5301 - Course Syllabus
Unit 2 BTNT5301 - Lecture 1: Two Testaments But One Bible
Unit 3 BTNT5301 - Lecture 2: The Announcement Passages in the Gospels (1)
Unit 4 BTNT5301 - Lecture 3: The Announcement Passages in the Gospels (2)
Unit 5 BTNT5301 - Lecture 4: Jesus' Kingdom Teachings (1)
Unit 6 BTNT5301 - Lecture 5: Jesus' Kingdom Teachings (2)
Unit 7 BTNT5301 - Lecture 6: Jesus' Kingdom Teachings (3)
Unit 8 BTNT5301 - Lecture 7: Jesus' Kingdom Teachings (4)
Unit 9 BTNT5301 - Lecture 8: Jesus' Kingdom Teachings (5)
Unit 10 BTNT5301 - Lecture 9: Jesus' Kingdom Teachings (6)
Module 2 Continuity or Discontinuity?
Does passing over from the Old Testament into the New Testament demand that we change the expectations of Israel and give to the covenants a new, unforeseen meaning?
Unit 1 BTNT5301 - Lecture 10: Israel in the New Testament (1)
Unit 2 BTNT5301 - Lecture 11: Israel in the New Testament (2)
Unit 3 BTNT5301 - Lecture 12: Does the NT Have Reinterpret the OT? (1)
Unit 4 BTNT5301 - Lecture 13: Does the NT Have to Reinterpret the OT? (2)
Unit 5 BTNT5301 - Lecture 14: Is Jesus the "True Israel" ?
Module 3 Christ and the New Covenant
Dr H analyzes this key connection
Unit 1 BTNT5301 - Lecture 15: The Institution of the New Covenant (1)
Unit 2 BTNT5301 - Lecture 16: The Institution of the New Covenant (2)
Unit 3 BTNT5301 - Lecture 17: The New Covenant in Paul and Hebrews
Unit 4 BTNT5301 - Lecture 18: The Reign of Christ: Now or Later? (1)
Unit 5 BTNT5301 - Lecture 19 - The Reign of Christ: Now or Later? (2)
Module 4 The New Testament Church
Although we have already tied the Church to the New Covenant in Christ's blood, these lectures explore the individuality of the Church
Unit 1 BTNT5301 - Lecture 20: The Church and the Resurrected Christ (1)
Unit 2 BTNT5301 - Lecture 21: The Church and the Resurrected Christ (2)
Unit 3 BTNT5301 - Lecture 22: The Church as a Mystery (1)
Unit 4 BTNT5301 - Lecture 23: The Church as a Mystery (2)
Unit 5 BTNT5301 - Lecture 24: The Future of the Church (1)
Unit 6 BTNT5301 - Lecture 25: The Future of the Church (2)
Module 5 Toward the Great Consummation
This section looks at how the varied strands in God's Plan come together.
Unit 1 BTNT5301 - Lecture 26: The Problem of Hebrews (1)
Unit 2 BTNT5301 - Lecture 27: The Problem of Hebrews (2)
Unit 3 BTNT5301 - Lecture 28: Israel and the Returning Christ
Unit 4 BTNT5301 - Lecture 29: The Glorified Servant
Unit 5 BTNT5301 - Lecture 30: One People of God or Three in One?
Unit 6 BTNT5301 - Lecture 31: Converging Themes in the Apocalypse (1)
Unit 7 BTNT5301 - Lecture 32: Converging Themes in the Apocalypse (2)
Unit 8 BTNT5301 - Lecture 33: The Creation Project Consummated
Unit 9 BTNT5301 - Lecture 34: The Christocentrism of the Bible
There are no modules in this training course.
BTBC5310 - Biblical Covenantalism - Dr. Paul Henebury
Composed mostly of material from our three courses of Biblical Theology, here special attention is given to the way the Bible’s own covenants govern its Story.
Module 1 Introducing Biblical Covenantalism
These lectures explain the simple yet profound concept of knowing the Bible by tracking the Covenants within both Testaments.
Unit 1 BTBC5310 - Lecture 1: The Creation Project (1)
Unit 2 BTBC5310 - Lecture 2: The Creation Project (2)
Unit 3 BTBC5310 - Lecture 3: Dispensationalism or Biblical Covenantalism? (1)
Unit 4 BTBC5310 - Lecture 4: Dispensationalism or Biblical Covenantalism? (2)
Unit 5 BTBC5310 - Lecture 5: The Theology of Genesis 1

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